Saturday, July 2, 2011

I'm Bored . . . . .

And so it begins. Today was the FIRST day my kids were off track (the FIRST DAY) and I have already heard the phrase, "I'm Bored!" at least three times! Oh dear! This is going to be a loooooooooooong break. .  . . . . .lol

However, this time I am somewhat prepared for it. I have a bunch of ideas ready at hand to get them busy with, thanks to pinterest.  I pinned them  here and I just opened it up, let the kids look through them and pick what they wanted to do. Yay for Pinterest :)

So this time they chose to try out the puffy paints  here and the sponge water balls  here. They had a blast. So now I just have to keep searching and give them the address to the page. Wahla!!  No more "I'm bored" phrases. :) That is, at least I hope. :)

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